Tuesday, May 5, 2020

International Marketing Trying to do Business in a Quake Zone

Question: Discuss about theInternational Marketingfor Trying to do Business in a Quake Zone. Answer: Introduction: The case study that has been provided in this context is a simile to the case of international marketing. In the present era of globalization we see that international marketing is one of the prime requirements of the companies. International marketing is one of the mechanism or strategies that could be used for the purpose of making an entry into the global market. International marketing is the process through which the customers of the foreign market could be educated about the product o the services of the company and they could be allured towards the same. This is a mechanism that has been applied towards the task of rejuvenating the tourism industry in the quake prone and affected zone of Canterbury and Christchurch (Anderson, 2014). Communication: Communication is one the elementary aspect that could either bring about success in the genre of international marketing or at the same time it could also bring about the failure in the same, In fact we see that if the streams chosen for communication are effective ten the company can reach out to their target customers in the most simplest and easy manner. However communication is an aspect that could differ with the nature and the location of the target customer. Communication happens to be imperative in the context of international marketing. The best and the most suitable means of communication is to be chosen if the customer is to b ably attracted to the product or the service of the company (O'Hearn, 2014). This is a situation that is also highly applicable in the context of the cities of Canterbury and that of Christchurch. It can be said that these two places have been hit by the quakes, a result of which a large number of lives and property has been destroyed. This is an aspect that could create real fear in the psyche of the international tourists. Hence in case the authorities of tourism of these two places would want to attract back the customers they could use the various means of communication so that cautious tourists like the Japanese could be attracted back to the destinations. The authorities could use all the required communication mediums so that the reinstated safety of the places could be communicated to the target customers (Joseph, 2009). Innovative Approach: Marketing is all about keeping the approach new, interesting and fresh. The more innovative is the approach the better are the chances that the customers would be strongly attracted to the brand. This is a basic mantra that is applicable in the context of all types of marketing. International marketing happens to be no different certainly. In this context we see that this is a strategy that could also be used by the tourism departments of the places of Canterbury and that of Christchurch. Since the losses of lives and property had been great, the fear of visiting these quake prone areas are also very high amongst the tourists from the various parts of the world. In this situation it is imperative that the tourism departments of these two places must employ certain really innovative techniques through which the tourists could be allured back to these places (Yec, 2011). As a recommendation it could be said that the re instated beauty and the charm of the places after the ravages of the quake could be a really good idea through which they could attract back the tourists. In addition to the same the tourism industry could also developed new attraction in the form of parks and various amusement centres that could talk about the natural and the geographical conditions of the place that made it quake prone. This could attract the scientific and the student community as well (Altringer, 2013). Social Media: Now this is a medium that is known to all of us certainly. This is the virtual world that is more real than the actual world in every sense of the term. This is world that is frequented by a large number of people irrespective of their age, gender or even nationality. This is yet again a medium through one can reach out to a large number of people in a matter of seconds. These are some of the reasons why companies from all over the world make it a point to popularise their product and their services over this medium. In this context we see that this is a medium that could be used for the purpose of reaching out to the international customer. Hence social media is a forum or is a platform that is very popularly used in the genre of international marketing. This is a media that can e use to reach out to the customs who are sitting in other part of the world. This is a process that would require a proper layout. It is very highly effective in the context of the cost factor and the time required involved (Gao Tate, 2013). This is the same thing that is applicable in the context of the tourism issue of Canterbury and that of Christchurch. The tourism department of these two places could also make a fruitful use o the social media so that they could reach out to the tourists across the world. Social media could prove to be the most effective easy through which the authorities of the tourism department of these two places could exhibit all the new developments and the renovations that have been brought about. The super lustrous new look of their two cities could be provided to the global audience with utmost ease and sped through the social media. Conclusion: The provided article speaks on the topic of the various disturbances that have cropped up since the emergence of the quake in the cities of Canterbury and that of Christchurch. In this context the various tools and the mechanism that could be applied to rejuvenate the tourism industry of these two places are the principle aspects that play a prime role in the sector of international tourism. The article draws a fine resemblance between the various aspects required to overcome the crisis of tourism in the cities of Canterbury and Christchurch and the basic catalysts that are required for successful international marketing. References: Altringer, B., (2013). A New Model for Innovation in Big Companies. Retrieved February 06, 2017, from https://hbr.org/2013/11/a-new-model-for-innovation-in-big-companies Anderson, C. (2014). Christchurch: after the earthquake, a city rebuilt in whose image? Retrieved February 06, 2017, from https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2014/jan/27/christchurch-after-earthquake-rebuild-image-new-zealand Gao, H., Tate, M. (2013). A New Era of Marketing New Zealand in China using Social Media. Retrieved February 06, 2017, from https://www.nzcta.co.nz/chinanow-strategy/1609/a-new-era-of-marketing-new-zealand-in-china-using-social-media/ Joseph, K. O. (2009). Integrated marketing communication and consumers patronage of Nigerian beverage products . Retrieved February 06, 2017, from https://theses.covenantuniversity.edu.ng/bitstream/handle/123456789/192/CU03GP0024%20-%20Kehinde%20Oladele%20Joseph.pdf?sequence=1 O'Hearn, N. (2014). Trying to do business in a quake zone. Retrieved February 06, 2017, from https://prezi.com/gsq9qylabo2a/trying-to-do-business-in-a-quake-zone/ Yec, 2011. A 5 Step Primer for Entering an International Market. Retrieved February 06, 2017, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/yec/2011/09/22/a-5-step-primer-for-entering-an-international-market/#66fa78cc77df

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