Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Religion Is A Spiritual Way Of Life - 1266 Words

Religion is a spiritual way of life that tells you how to act in this life and ultimately affects life after death. It is something that is completely faith-based because there is no way to prove whether or not it is real. It doesn’t matter what religion you choose to follow; it is imperative to have an understanding of other religions of the world. The knowledge of other religions gives you the understanding needed to not be afraid of the unknown. A great example of this is after 9-11, our country was full of fear. Anyone who looked like they were Muslim was a target of this fear. Most people were not educated about the Islamic religion but if they had been they would have known that it did not condone violence. It was an extremely radical group who did not represent the Muslims as a whole. The knowledge of other religions is beneficial in your everyday interactions with people or when you are traveling. I grew up all around the world and one thing I did learn was that when you are in a foreign country, they appreciate when you try to learn and do their customs in their homes. While I did not grow up in India, I did spend three years in a small borrow outside of London, England where I met many Hindus. I was only eight-years-old when I met Pia. We became best friends quickly but it was going to her house to play that I learned her family was different from mine. I had to take off my shoes before entering her house, which was full of exotic fragrances. They had a littleShow MoreRelatedHuman Nature By Viktor Frankl1035 Words   |  5 Pagesneurosis, which is the spirit to find meaning. It causes anxiety at a spiritual human level to experience meaninglessness. 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