Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Impact Of Internet And Social Media On Copyright Laws

What is the impact of the internet and social media on copyright laws? What is the impact of the internet and social media on copyright laws? Haley Leshko CGS-1000 March 10, 2017 Mr. Newfield WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF THE INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA ON COPYRIGHT LAWS? Introduction Copyright laws were established to protect the original work of individuals since 1709. At present only two acts are in effect today, the copyright Act of 1909 and 1976. (United States Copyright Laws) These works protect the individuals work but not the idea. With the digital age copyright laws are not adapt to protect these rights. With the vast amount of information that is available digital copyright infringement takes place almost on an hourly†¦show more content†¦Congress should however â€Å"specify users† digital rights by mapping out an expansive , affirmative set of rights delineating the scope of public’s rights to sample, reuse, build upon, and share the digital works one legally acquires.† (JD Lasica, Should Copyright Laws Change in Digital Age?) Individuals who create an original work have a right to protect their work under copyright laws. These laws protect the work from being reproduced in anyway shape or form. According to the (C ongress ion Budget Office, Copyright Issues in Digital Media) â€Å"The rights that copyright owners can claim over creative work are not always well defined, however some areas of copyright law remain unsettled.† If a person intentional downloads copyrighted material with the sole intent to profit that person should be prosecuted under the copyright law. Copyright Laws as they pertain to Music Copyright laws as they pertain to the downloading of music have a moral and ethical standard. When someone’s creative work is taken without his or her permission you are taking something of value from them. Copyright laws offer full protection of sound recordings. According to the article (www. learning) common examples of copy right infringement are: 1. â€Å"Apps that allow you to ‘strip† the auto from You Tube and keep in your collection.† 2. â€Å"Making MP3 copy of a song and copying to internet.† 3. â€Å"Joining a file sharing network† 4. â€Å"Paying a fee to join a file sharing network thatShow MoreRelatedThe Development Ofu.s Copyright Law1328 Words   |  6 PagesThe Development of U.S Copyright Law Simon Cho The history of U.S copyright law came from England. As a matter of fact, copyright was not intended to reward creators but to prevent sedition. 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